Wednesday, 3 September 2008

The buskers cafe in 1976.
Then called 'La Gioconda' (in 1990 the Barino)

Around 4 or 5pm most of London's buskers
turned up (tired) to mingle and eat
La Gioconda's great 'apple crumble'.

Situated in Denmark St - London's 'Tin Pan Alley' -
among many of London's recording studios.

It was rumoured (one day) Elton John
was but a few doors away recording tracks.

Photo 1990 by: Olivier Dutartre

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Pamela Sidney busking Tottenham Crt Road London.

Busking photo 1976 by: Berri Shulman.
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This is 'my (busking) pitch' at Tottenham Crt Rd.
Very much renovated since 1976 - as the busking photos show.
I established this pitch myself, rather than booking in
at one of the regular busking places like Leicester Square

Photo by Olivier Dutartre.
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Pamela Sidney busking Tottenham Crt Road London.

Busking photo 1976 by: Berri Shulman

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Great memories from The Old Swan
acoustic music pub
where I was resident singer for a time.

Booked by Phil - music organiser - & ex Aussie.

This pub was filled with people
from every corner of the earth
truly cosmopolitan.

Photo by: Olivier Dutartre

'Waltham Cross Restaurant' (resident singer)
'Bungies' Charing Cross Road (regular appearances)
'The Crypt' Trafalgar Square (regular appearances)
'The Old Swan' (pub) Nottinghill Gate (resident singer)
'The Star & Garter' Chain & Locker Room
Putney ( regular guest)
'London Folk Club' The Swan Hammersmith
(resident singer)
'The Troubadour' - 3 appearances.

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I met John Marshall record producer
in one of London's cafes near Denmark St.

It was the beginning of a good friendship
while I was in London (four years)

I worked in John's office,
recorded backing tracks for
Bert Jansch's 'Black Birds of Brittany'

Details below
of the studio recording sessions

John organized 1977


Chalk Farm Studios LONDON
With Dave (keyboards) of the 'Strawbs'
laid tracks for the first version
'Whistle the Winding Song'
by John Marshall
- principal song
for the female lead 'Rosie'

for Marshall's musical 'Smudge'.
(Eventually recorded 4 different versions of the song
in different London recording studios)

1977 Capital Radio recording studio LONDON
Recorded 6 songs - including 'Avignon'
composition of my own - for broadcast
on the 'Late Show' Capital Radio.
Musicians accompanying me were:
Brian Gulland flute - ex 'Gryphon',
Graeme Taylor guitar - ex 'Gryphon',
'Precious Little', currently 'Albion Band'
1977 Redwood Studios LONDON
recorded the original version of own song 'Avignon'
plus Marshall's 'Whistle the Winding Song'
accompanied by: Graeme Taylor Albion band.

1980 T.P.A Studios LONDON
Recording backing tracks for
'Rose Aflame' - Marshall song.

Plus voice over for Bert Jansch's single
'Black Birds of Brittany'
- song by Marshall
for the 1978 oil spill of the AMOCO CADIZ off France.

(Bert Jansch - founder
of folk-rock group 'Pentangle')

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(excerpts in costume from musicals)

The Dilmar Company ENGLAND


September to December:
Folkestone Sept 1st, Manchester Sept 22nd,
Buxton Sept 23rd, Whitechurch Sept 25th,
Worthing Oct 5th, Tewkesbury Oct 7th,
Rickmansworth Oct 10th, Shrewsbury Oct 26th,
Broxbourne Oct 31st, Wembley Nov 5th,
High Wycombe Nov 7th, Bournemouth Dec 4th.

Singing excerpts from:
Desert Song, Sound of Music, Goodnight Vienna,
The New Moon, Bless the bride, Robert & Elizabeth,
The Arcadians.


"Love Is..."
Directed by Mike Fisher

1976 "LOVE IS..."

Six Sunday nights of

poetry from a double bed - cast in pyjamas.
(Incl. in the cast Wendy Hughes)

The Old Swan Pub 8pm

Kensington Church St
Nottinghill Gate (downstairs) LONDON

By The Company

Commencing: October 24th 1976
& @
Warehouse Theatre 8pm
99 Rotherhythe St
Elephant Lane SE16 LONDON
November 11, 12, 13th 1976
Directed & compiled by Mike Fisher

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The Crypt was a great place to sing.
Really good audiences who listened carefully.

This night the now well known June Tabor sang.
I sang in the open section to a good reception.
On another night the legendary Al Stewart sang there.

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Phil opened another folk night
but I preferred The Old Swan (below)

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Ex Aussie Phil ran the acoustic music
he gave me a residency
singing weekly at The Old Swan
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Scribbled messages on the back of the Matilda flier.
One: a party that it wasn't a good idea to go to.
Two: a really good place to sing with my guitar.
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A proud moment - the necessary document
allowing me to work in 'show biz' in England.

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1976 'Yus My Dear' London Weekend Television
(sitcom) September '76
1976 'Within These Walls' LWT
(long running prison drama series) Sept '76
1976 Key to Communication' ITV (documentary
training video) '76
1976 'Scene' BBC 1 Schools Programme
"The Girl Who Saw a Tiger'
Producer Andree Molyneux November '76
1976 'London Post Office' commerical
(with Tommy Steele) '76

Small memories of TV drama work
for London Weekend TV & BBCI 1976

Remembering the BBC canteen.
Hearing a familiar voice at the next table.
It was the legendary actor Vincent Price
whose voice was 'of course' unmistakable.

And the night -
waiting to start work on a TV drama -
wondering why there was a real 'buzz' in the air
due in any minute was - Frank Sinatra
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